Creating a dynamic and interactive table with Angular and the amazing angular-responsive-tables library

I am currently working on creating a responsive table using AngularJS.

To demonstrate what I am trying to achieve, I have put together an example in this fiddle:

<tr ng-repeat="product in products" >
    <td data-title='{{titles.col1}}'>{{}}</td>
    <td data-title='{{titles.col2}}'>{{}}</td>
    <td data-title='{{titles.col3}}'>{{product.col3}}</td>
    <td data-title='{{titles.col4}}'>{{product.col4}}</td>
    <td data-title='{{titles.col5}}'>{{product.col5}}</td>

This code snippet illustrates my approach. I aim to dynamically populate the data title by fetching values from $scope.titles. As someone new to Angular and front-end development, I wonder if there is a more efficient method to accomplish this task?

For styling purposes, I am utilizing angular-responsive-tables from this repository:

Answer №1

The main issue with your code snippet in the provided fiddle is that the $scope.titles variable should be an object instead of an array. To fix this, simply remove the square brackets surrounding the values.

$scope.titles = {
  col1: "Id", 
  col2: "Name", 
  col3: "Something", 
  col4: "Something else", 
  col5: "Something something"

Check out the updated fiddle here:

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