What could be the reason that my submenus are not appearing as expected?

I'm currently working on refining the navigation bar design for a website, but I've encountered a problem with the submenu functionality. It appears that only one submenu is visible while the others remain hidden.

For example, when navigating to the "Resources" section, the submenu only displays under the "Resources For" tab and not under the other tabs like "Basic Rights", "Health", or "For Educators". Similarly, submenus are missing from tabs such as "Scholarship" under the main tab "Program". I'm struggling to understand why these submenus are not appearing correctly. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

You can view a live example here.

Here is the HTML code:

        <!-- Sticky Navigation -->
<div class="nav-wrapper">
                    <a href="#">ABOUT US</a>
                        <li><a href="story.html">OUR HER-STORY</a></li>
                                <ul class ="submenu">
                                    <li><a href="./resources/academic/academics.html">ACADEMICS</a></li>

And here is the CSS styling:

/* Navigation Bar */
/* Styles color and interaction, as well as continuous position on scroll. */
.nav {

Answer №1

It's because they are all improperly wrapped (just in different ways

<li><a href="./resources/index.html">RESOURCES FOR</a> <!-- no closing li like the others-->
  <ul class ="submenu">
 <!-- which means that the submenu^^ is still inside it -->
<li><a href="rights.html">BASIC RIGHTS</a></li> <!-- closing li -->
  <ul class ="submenu">
  <!-- this submenu^^ is not in the li, which means that none of the CSS applies since it is not 'li ul.submenu'. It is only 'ul.submenu' -->

To resolve this issue, it is recommended to wrap ul.submenu in the li tags.

<li><a href="rights.html">BASIC RIGHTS</a>
  <ul class ="submenu">
</li><!-- closing li down here-->

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