Implementing custom styles in JavaScript according to the specific browser or platform

When it comes to adding multiple css styles to a dom element and ensuring compatibility across different browsers, which approach is more optimal for performance?

  1. Combining all prefixed css properties together, allowing the browser to decide which one to use: = "-webkit-transform: scaleY(1.25); transform: scaleY(1.25)";
  2. Adding css dynamically based on the specific browser or platform:
    if(platform == "Chrome"){          = "-webkit-transform: scaleY(1.25);
      } else { = "transform: scaleY(1.25);

Answer №1

It's best not to attempt optimizing what the browser already handles automatically.

Feel free to include as many invalid CSS properties as you like. The browser won't evaluate them anyway.

Here are some errors you're making:

1.) Avoid using inline stylesheets. Dealing with overriding inline styles can lead to issues. Using !important can be a slippery slope.

2.) Instead of client-detection, opt for feature detection where necessary. Your code may not recognize when newer Chrome versions use unprefixed notation for certain properties.

You could simplify and improve performance by achieving this without any JavaScript:

.my-element:hover {
    -webkit-transform: scale(0, 1.25);
        -ms-transform: scale(0, 1.25); // IE9 only
            transform: scale(0, 1.25);

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