Script to pop up cancel alert box

There's a dilemma with this code - if you click CANCEL the first time the box pops up, it continues to run. I'm unsure of how to make it redirect to the underlying page when clicked on cancel for the first time.

var numero= prompt ("Enter a number")
    var resultado= parImpar(numero);
        alert ("The number "+numero+" is "+resultado );
    function parImpar (numero){
       if (numero %2===0) {
          return "even" ;
           return "odd" ;
    if (window.confirm ("Let's try another number ")){
     var numero= prompt ("Choose");
     var resultado =parImpar (numero);
         alert("The number "+numero+" is "+resultado );
body {
h1 {
   font-weight:bolder ;
   font-family: Garamond;
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Page Title</title>
        <h1>First web! </h1>
            <p>Hi everyone! this is mi first ever page/program. I have been learning for a month now and i need it to understand some javascript functions. Im really fighting with them.</p>

Answer №1

In order to prevent executing the following lines of code, make sure to verify if the prompt returns null (indicating that cancel was clicked). Here is an example:

var number = prompt("Enter a number");
if (number !== null) {//Cancel clicked!
      var result = evenOrOdd(number);
      alert("The number "+number+" is "+result);

Answer №2

Here is the current state of the code. I'm facing a situation where I need to add a conditional statement, but I'm not quite sure how to go about it. Apologies for the confusion! I've only been learning for a month and I'm finding it quite challenging!!

var numero = prompt("Introduce a number")
if (numero !== null) {//Cancel button clicked!
  var result = checkEvenOdd(numero);
  alert("The number "+numero+" is "+result);
} else {


if (window.confirm("Let's try another number")) {
  var newNumber = prompt("Choose a number");
  var result = checkEvenOdd(newNumber);
  alert("The number "+newNumber+" is "+result);
} else {


function checkEvenOdd(number) {
  if (number % 2 === 0) {
    return "even";
  } else {
    return "odd";

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