CSS an act of misbehavior

I have noticed some unusual behavior on my website page.

My website design can be viewed at
Also, here is the same design in CMS format

Please pay attention to the section under <div class="godelpage">

<a href="http://ryugaku.babonmultimedia.com/products/kickstart" class="" id="productLink19">
    <img src="/assets/images/tab/tab-kickStart-on.png" alt="KickStart" title="KickStart">

Comparing the width of the <a> element from the sample page with that of the live site for the CMS, I noticed a discrepancy.
How could this difference occur?
Upon inspecting with FireBug, both parts of the <a> element seem to have the same CSS property values.

Answer №1

Include the float:left attribute in this class and observe the results.

.godelpage a {
margin: 0 3px 0 0;
padding: 0px;
float: left;

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