How can CSS be instructed to "apply the following most specific rule in order to determine this property"?

Utilizing Material-UI and JSS for CSS management, I've encountered an issue where styles appear differently in development versus production.

The discrepancy stems from the order of rules within the file.

For instance, when defining an element like <div class = "foo bar"/>, the stylesheet arrangement is as follows during development:

.foo {
    color: red; 

.bar {
    color: blue; 

However, in a production environment, it would appear like this:

.bar {
    color: blue; 

.foo {
    color: red; 

This differing sequence results in distinct appearances.

I am contemplating whether I can use something similar to color: unset for the .bar rule, indicating to CSS to 'Disregard me and allow other rules to determine this'.

.bar {
  color: blue; 

.foo {
  color: red; 
} {
  /* What can be done here? I aim for the color to be blue without explicitly specifying it */
<p class = "foo bar">
   hello world!

Answer №1

It seems that the goal is to style elements with the class .bar in blue, elements with the class .foo in red, and when both classes are used together, have the color as blue. To achieve this, it's important to ensure that the specificity of the rules is set correctly.

One approach is to create a rule specifically for cases where both classes are present, guaranteeing the desired color in those instances: { 
  color: blue;

Alternatively, you can target specific tags where the class .bar may appear and establish rules for each scenario to increase specificity and override the less specific .foo rule:,, {
  color: green;

If CSS specificity is unfamiliar territory, resources like CSS Tricks and MDN offer helpful explanations on the topic.

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