Changing a URL parameter based on the element's width is a simple task when

I'm trying to display elements on a page by replacing a string in the URL parameter with the width of each element of a certain class. I'm new to JavaScript, so any help would be appreciated!

Here's an example of the HTML for objects on the page:

<div class="getwidth" style="background-image: url('//');">...

<div class="getwidth" style="background-image: url('//');">...

And here is the jQuery onload function I'm using:

jQuery('.getwidth').each(function() {
    var wrapper = jQuery(this);
    var width   = wrapper.width();
    wrapper.html(wrapper.html().replace(new RegExp(/putwidth/, 'g'), width));

If an element is 245px wide, the desired output should look like this:

<div class="getwidth" style="background-image: url('//');">...

The code successfully retrieves the element's width, but I'm having trouble replacing the string.

Answer №1

Employ the use of replace along with css:

wrapper.css("background-image", wrapper.css("background-image").replace(/putwidth/g, width));

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