Problem with see-through images against a see-through backdrop

I'm experiencing a strange issue with a graphic that has rounded corners.

On my HTML page, I have the body set to transparent (style="filter:alpha(opacity=100);opacity:100;background-color:transparent;"), and within this body is a div containing a PNG image with rounded corners and transparency around the edges for a smooth transition with the background.

This HTML page is inside an iFrame on top of another page, so I need the transparent image in the iFrame to show through and allow the rounded corners to blend smoothly with the background image on the calling page. However, despite everything working correctly, there's a fine but noticeable jagged black outline around the rounded corners, almost like it has a black border.

I even tried using transparent GIFs, but ended up with white jagged outlines instead.

Has anyone else encountered this issue before and found a solution? If so, please share your insight.

EDIT Check out the result here: image. The background image with leaves is from the calling HTML file, while the search box is within an iFrame with a transparent background.

This problem occurs specifically in IE7. Surprisingly, Firefox seems unaffected.

Answer №1

When you have the Transparency set to 100 on the body tag, it actually means that it is not transparent at all. To achieve full transparency, you need to set it to 0. However, be aware that setting it to 0 will make all elements within the body tag also transparent.

It seems like a similar issue might be occurring with the search box, as it appears to be inheriting the opacity attribute that was previously set.

If you were to remove the opacity settings, what do you think would happen?

For more information on CSS transparency, you may want to visit this website:

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