I am currently in the process of customizing the FlexNav Plugin. I have made a modification to allow sub-menus to open on click instead of hover.
However, a new issue has arisen where it requires two clicks to open a submenu.
Upon investigation, I have identified that the problem lies in the code adding the "flexnav-show" class to the submenu ul when the menu is initially opened. Subsequent clicks then toggle this class, requiring an extra click to open the submenu.
If anyone can guide me on how to modify the code to prevent adding the class on all ul elements, or if there are alternative solutions...
$.fn.flexNav = function(options) {
var $nav, $top_nav_items, breakpoint, count, nav_percent, nav_width, resetMenu, resizer, settings, showMenu, toggle_selector, touch_selector;
settings = $.extend({
'animationSpeed': 250,
'transitionOpacity': true,
'buttonSelector': '.menu-button',
'hoverIntent': false,
'hoverIntentTimeout': 150,
'calcItemWidths': false,
'hover': false
}, options);
$nav = $(this);
if (settings.transitionOpacity === true) {
$nav.find("li").each(function() {
if ($(this).has("ul").length) {
return $(this).addClass("item-with-ul").find("ul").hide();
if (settings.calcItemWidths === true) {
$top_nav_items = $nav.find('>li');
count = $top_nav_items.length;
nav_width = 100 / count;
nav_percent = nav_width + "%";
if ($nav.data('breakpoint')) {
breakpoint = $nav.data('breakpoint');
showMenu = function() {
if ($nav.hasClass('lg-screen') === true && settings.hover === true) {
if (settings.transitionOpacity === true) {
return $(this).find('>ul').addClass('flexnav-show').stop(true, true).animate({
height: ["toggle", "swing"],
opacity: "toggle"
}, settings.animationSpeed);
} else {
return $(this).find('>ul').addClass('flexnav-show').stop(true, true).animate({
height: ["toggle", "swing"]
}, settings.animationSpeed);
resetMenu = function() {
if ($nav.hasClass('lg-screen') === true && $(this).find('>ul').hasClass('flexnav-show') === true && settings.hover === true) {
if (settings.transitionOpacity === true) {
return $(this).find('>ul').removeClass('flexnav-show').stop(true, true).animate({
height: ["toggle", "swing"],
opacity: "toggle"
}, settings.animationSpeed);
} else {
return $(this).find('>ul').removeClass('flexnav-show').stop(true, true).animate({
height: ["toggle", "swing"]
}, settings.animationSpeed);
resizer = function() {
var selector;
if ($(window).width() <= breakpoint) {
if (settings.calcItemWidths === true) {
$top_nav_items.css('width', '100%');
selector = settings['buttonSelector'] + ', ' + settings['buttonSelector'] + ' .touch-button';
return $('.one-page li a').on('click', function() {
return $nav.removeClass('flexnav-show');
} else if ($(window).width() > breakpoint) {
if (settings.calcItemWidths === true) {
$top_nav_items.css('width', nav_percent);
if (settings.hoverIntent === true) {
return $('.item-with-ul').hoverIntent({
over: showMenu,
out: resetMenu,
timeout: settings.hoverIntentTimeout
} else if (settings.hoverIntent === false) {
return $('.item-with-ul').on('mouseenter', showMenu).on('mouseleave', resetMenu);
$(settings['buttonSelector']).data('navEl', $nav);
touch_selector = '.item-with-ul, ' + settings['buttonSelector'];
$(touch_selector).append('<span class="touch-button"><i class="navicon">▼</i></span>');
toggle_selector = settings['buttonSelector'] + ', ' + settings['buttonSelector'] + ' .touch-button';
$(toggle_selector).on('click', function(e) {
var $btnParent, $thisNav, bs;
bs = settings['buttonSelector'];
$btnParent = $(this).is(bs) ? $(this) : $(this).parent(bs);
$thisNav = $btnParent.data('navEl');
return $thisNav.toggleClass('flexnav-show');
$('.touch-button').on('click', function(e) {
var $sub, $touchButton;
$sub = $(this).parent('.item-with-ul').find('>ul');
$touchButton = $(this).parent('.item-with-ul').find('>span.touch-button');
if ($nav.hasClass('lg-screen') === true) {
if ($sub.hasClass('flexnav-show') === true) {
return $touchButton.removeClass('active');
} else if ($sub.hasClass('flexnav-show') === false) {
return $touchButton.addClass('active');
$nav.find('.item-with-ul *').focus(function() {
return $(this).parent('.item-with-ul').find('>ul').addClass("open").show();
return $(window).on('resize', resizer);