Prevent iPhone from automatically changing phone numbers to grey text color

For some reason, the iPhone keeps changing the phone numbers on my site to grey, despite using Drupal 7. I've heard that this is because the iPhone wants to make them stand out for users to interact with. I tried adding the following code to the head section of the document to prevent this:

<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">

However, it didn't work. I even made sure that CSS forced a white color, but nothing changed.

Is there any solution to prevent the iPhone from altering the color of these phone numbers?

Answer №1

Aside from the meta tag you are currently using, it is recommended to enclose telephone numbers, addresses, and dates in anchor tags for iOS devices. Any desired styling should be applied to these anchor tags. When working on a website, you can add styles to your stylesheet. However, if you are coding an email, the styles must be inline within the anchor tag as shown below.

<a href="tel:+18005552368" style="color:#333333;text-decoration:none;outline:none;">1-800-555-2368</a>


    color:#333333; // or use any other preferred color

If you do not want these elements to be clickable, include pointer-events:none; and cursor:default; to prevent the mouse pointer from behaving like they are interactive.

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