Using CSS to mask images with border-radius

I am currently designing a website for a friend, and I have encountered an issue with an image that I have masked using CSS border-radius.

The image is larger and taller than its container, so I used JavaScript to center it correctly. However, it appears that Google Chrome and Safari do not support this functionality like Firefox does.

I am looking for solutions to make it look right on Chrome and Safari as well.

At the moment, only one image is being displayed on the website.

Answer №1

Your img elements are absolutely positioned. To center them correctly in Chrome, make the parent figure relatively positioned.

To do this, update the CSS for figure:

<figure style="position: relative; opacity: 0; ">
  <img src="img/pic001_thumb.jpg" title="work 1" style="top: 100px; left: 100px; ">

It appears that different left and top values are being set by your JavaScript for different browsers, as pointed out by swatkins. I recommend finding a common solution using CSS first.

While I can't confirm in Firefox at the moment, setting position: relative may also work for that browser.

Answer №2

There seems to be an issue with your JavaScript code.

When I checked in Firebug, Chrome displayed the following:

<article class="thumb-container" 
    style="width: 200px; height: 200px; margin-top: 10px; 
           background-color: rgb(216, 228, 125); 
           overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden; ">   
    <figure style="opacity: 1; ">
        <img src="img/pic001_thumb.jpg" title="work 1" style="top: 100px; left: 100px; ">

Meanwhile, Firefox showed me this:

<article class="thumb-container" 
    style="width: 200px; height: 200px; margin-top: 10px; 
           background-color: rgb(216, 228, 125);">  
    <figure style="opacity: 1;">
        <img title="work 1" src="img/pic001_thumb.jpg" style="top: -78px; left: -25px;">

The main difference lies in the style attributes of the img tags. While I briefly investigated the JavaScript code and didn't notice any obvious issues, it would be wise to start there to address the problem.

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