What is the reasoning behind jQuery UI employing CSS classes as opposed to pseudo-classes?

In this detailed explanation found on this website, it is discussed why jQuery UI uses CSS classes like .ui-state-active that are applied through JavaScript, rather than utilizing existing CSS pseudo-classes like :active. What is the reasoning behind this approach?

Answer №1

Recently, I came across some interesting information:

The :active pseudo-class is primarily used for and supported by various browsers on

<a> and <button>.

jQuery UI has classes like .ui-state-active to easily apply styles to:

<ul>, <span>, <li>, <div>

Many jQuery UI elements are constructed using these building blocks.


Answer №2

As Niet the Dark Absol mentioned, including the additional class provides support for browsers that do not utilize HTML5, such as IE8 and earlier versions.


Enhanced HTML5 Support for IE6/7/8

According to caniuse.com, iOS Safari and android also lack support for pseudo selectors - therefore, the extra class ensures compatibility for these devices as well.


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