Implementing functionality: Removing a row and applying a CSS class upon button click

Check out the fiddle below:

I need help with creating a remove function and adding a CSS class to a clicked row.

1. When I click on "remove", the clicked row should be deleted.

  1. When I click on a row, it should be highlighted with a 'highlightRow' CSS class

  2. I also need to check if there are any rows in the table and store that information in a variable

  3. Only one row at a time should be highlighted in red (clicked row). If no row is selected, the remove button should not be visible


col1header col2header


.visibilityHide {
    visibility: hidden;
table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
table, th, td {
    border: 1px solid black;

JS or Jquery

function add() {
  var addRow1;
  var addRow2;
  addRow1 = "<tr onclick="+"getdetails(this)"+"><td>" + "col1valuerow1" + "</td><td>" + "col2valuerow1" + "</td></tr>";
  addRow2 = "<tr onclick="+"getdetails(this)"+"><td>" + "col1valuerow2" + "</td><td>" + "col2valuerow2" + "</td></tr>";
  $("#myTableid tbody").append(addRow1);
  $("#myTableid tbody").append(addRow2);

function remove() {


function getdetails(row) {
  $('#removerow').css('visibility', 'visible');

Answer №1

Here is the updated javascript snippet that fulfills all your requirements.

function add()
    var addRow1;
    var addRow2;
    addRow1 = "<tr onclick="+"getdetails(this)"+"><td>" + "col1valuerow1" + "</td><td>" + "col2valuerow1" + "</td></tr>";
    addRow2 = "<tr onclick="+"getdetails(this)"+"><td>" + "col1valuerow2" + "</td><td>" + "col2valuerow2" + "</td></tr>";
    $("#myTableid tbody").append(addRow1);
    $("#myTableid tbody").append(addRow2);


function remove()
    $("#dropDown").prop("disabled", $("#myTableid tbody tr").length > 0);

function getdetails(row)
    $('#removerow').toggleClass('visibilityHide', $("#myTableid tbody tr").length === 0);

Answer №2

Give this a try and see if it works:

function add(){
  var addRow1;
  var addRow2;
  addRow1 = "<tr onclick="+"getdetails(this)"+"><td>" + "col1valuerow1" + "</td><td>" + "col2valuerow1" + "</td></tr>";
  addRow2 = "<tr onclick="+"getdetails(this)"+"><td>" + "col1valuerow2" + "</td><td>" + "col2valuerow2" + "</td></tr>";
  $("#myTableid tbody").append(addRow1);
  $("#myTableid tbody").append(addRow2);

function remove(){
  $('.removeClass').remove(); //remove clicked row
  if($('table tbody tr').length <=0){
  if($('table tbody tr').length===0) {
    alert('This last child has been removed');
    $("#dropDown").prop("disabled", false);

function getdetails(row){
  $(row).addClass('removeClass'); //add class on clicked row
table {
  border-collapse: collapse;
table, th, td {
  border: 1px solid black;
#removerow {
  display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<table id="myTableid">

<input type="button" id ="addrows" value="add" onclick="add()" />
<input type="button" id="removerow" value="remove" onclick="remove()" class="visibilityHide" />

To determine if the row is the last one, check this part of the code:

if($('table tbody tr').length==0) {
    alert('This last child has been removed');
    $("#dropDown").prop("disabled", false);

Answer №3

Follow the steps below for all the solutions you need: -

function add(){
  var addRow1;
  var addRow2;
  addRow1 = "<tr onclick="+"getdetails(this)"+"><td>" + "col1valuerow1" + "</td><td>" + "col2valuerow1" + "</td></tr>";
  addRow2 = "<tr onclick="+"getdetails(this)"+"><td>" + "col1valuerow2" + "</td><td>" + "col2valuerow2" + "</td></tr>";
  $("#myTableid tbody").append(addRow1);
  $("#myTableid tbody").append(addRow2);

function remove(){
  var index = parseInt($('.removeClass').index())+1;
  $('.removeClass').remove(); //remove clicked row
  $('.removed_row').html("<strong>row number "+index+ " removed</strong>");
  if($('table tbody tr').length <=0){

function getdetails(row){
  $('#removerow').css('display', 'block');
  $(row).addClass('removeClass'); //add class on clicked row
.visibilityHide {
  display: none;
table {
  border-collapse: collapse;
table, th, td {
  border: 1px solid black;
/* style added for a different look when the class is added */
<script src=""></script>
<table id="myTableid">

<input type="button" id ="addrows" value="add" onclick="add()" />
<input type="button" id="removerow" value="remove" onclick="remove()" class="visibilityHide" />


<div class="removed_row"></div>

Answer №4

To see the solution, please refer to my latest update:

const remove = () => {
   $('#removerow').css('visibility', 'hidden');

const getDetails = (row) => {
    window.selectedRow = row;
    $('#removerow').css('visibility', 'visible');

const removeHighlights = () => {
    const elements = document.getElementsByClassName("highlightRow");
    while(elements.length > 0){

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