To collapse a div in an HTML Angular environment, the button must be clicked twice

A series of divs in my code are currently grouped together with expand and collapse functionality. It works well, except for the fact that I have to click a button twice in order to open another div. Initially, the first click only collapses the first div.

<div *ngFor="let item of data; let i = index">

        [class.collapse]='currentIndex !== i'
        <div [innerHTML]=“item.description | translate"


In addition, the typescript function in question is as follows:

setIndex(i) {
    this.currentIndex = this.currentIndex === -1 ? i : -1;

I attempted changing the click event to mousedown or keydown, but unfortunately, it did not yield the desired outcome.

Answer №1

To enhance the functionality of your setIndex function, modify it as shown below:

setIndex(i) {
   this.currentIndex = this.currentIndex === i ? -1 : i;

It is crucial to update the currentIndex value with the newly clicked index i in order to ensure that the corresponding div is displayed properly.

If the current div is already visible and you click on it again (meaning currentIndex === i), simply set it back to -1 to collapse it.

Answer №2

Revise your setIndex() as shown below.


We initially set currentIndex = -1.

When a user clicks on any button, we need to check if currentIndex is -1 and then assign the value of i to currentIndex.

Now there are 2 more scenarios to consider. If a user keeps clicking on the same button repeatedly, we have to verify i === currentIndex

The last scenario is that when the first div is open with currentIndex = 0, and subsequently, if a user clicks on the third button leading to index = 2, we must first assign

currentIndex = -1 and then currentIndex = i


<div *ngFor="let item of data1; let i = index">
      <button (click)="setIndex(i)">
      <div [hidden]='currentIndex !== i'>


setIndex(i) {
    if (this.currentIndex === -1) {
        this.currentIndex = i;
    } else if (this.currentIndex === i) {
        this.currentIndex = i;
    } else {
        this.currentIndex = -1;
        this.currentIndex = i;


I have used [hidden] here just for demonstration purposes. You can customize it as needed.

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