Is it possible to use React and Material-UI to make a paper element extend to full width beyond the boundaries of a Container?

Assuming I have the following code snippet:

   <Container maxWidth='lg'>
    <Grid container spacing={3}>
      <Grid item xs={12} md={6} >
        <Image src="/img/undraw_programming_2svr.png" color='transparent' aspectRatio={1041 / 554} />
<SomeElement />

Is there a way to make SomeElement stretch to fill the full width?

Answer №1

Firstly, let's address a couple of points that have already been mentioned - your grid tagging is incorrect, but I understand it may have been a simple mistake and not crucial to your question.

To answer your query, no, the purpose of the container is to prevent SomeElement from expanding. A straightforward solution would be to halt the container, display SomeElement, and then initiate a new container.


<SomeElement />


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