Effortlessly navigate between Formik Fields with automated tabbing

I have a component that validates a 4 digit phone code. It functions well and has a good appearance. However, I am struggling with the inability to autotab between numbers. Currently, I have to manually navigate to each input field and enter the number. Is there a way to achieve this using Formik Field?

Here is an excerpt of my code:

  onSubmit={values =>
    VerifyGarageFunc({ code: values.code.join(''), requestId: PhoneCodeData.data }, data.showModal)
  {({ values, handleChange, handleSubmit }) => (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
        render={arrayHelpers => (
          <div className={styles.inputWrapper}>
            {values.code.map((item, index) => (
              <div key={index}>
      <LoginActionButton onSubmit={handleSubmit} text={'Send'} />
      <FieldArray />

I attempted to use https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-auto-tab but it seems to only work with <input/> and does not function properly with Formik Field.

P.S. My application is built with Next.js and React.js

Answer №1

If you're looking for a hook-based solution, consider trying out the React Pin Input Hook library. It handles the logic without dictating the display.

To implement this, create a new component called PinInput and set up a new field using the formik hook primitives.

I've provided an example on codesandbox here: CodeSandbox Example. Please note that the code in the sandbox may not match your specific components exactly, but it should give you a close approximation of what you need.

import React from 'react'
import { useField } from 'formik'
import { usePinInput } from 'react-pin-input-hook'

export const PinInput = (props) => {
     const [field, meta, helpers] = useField(props)
     const { fields } = usePinInput({
       values: field.value,
       onChange: (values) => {
    return fields.map((fieldProps, index) => 
      <CustomInput key={index} type="text" {...fieldProps} />

In your main file, simply integrate the Pin Input into your Formik form. If you're using the Form component from Formik, you won't have to manually bind the onSubmit event - the button can just be of "submit" type:

  onSubmit={values =>
    VerifyGarageFunc({ code: values.code.join(''), requestId: PhoneCodeData.data }, data.showModal)
        <PinInput name="code" />
        <LoginActionButton type="submit" text={'Send'} />

Keep in mind that the library requires your CustomComponent to attach a ref to the input element. Make sure your component supports the necessary events like onBlur, onFocus, onChange, and onKeyDown.

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