Creating a hover effect on a specific area of a map is a useful technique

Can someone please help me create a hover effect for areas in maps?

Below is the code for the map.

Thank you in advance! Here is the image.

<img src="[CR_kraje_1_úroveň_v1] (imported)" width="770" height="443" border="0" usemap="#map" />

<map name="map">
<!-- #$-:Image map file created by GIMP Image Map plug-in -->
<!-- #$-:GIMP Image Map plug-in by Maurits Rijk -->
<!-- #$-:Please do not edit lines starting with "#$" -->
<!-- #$VERSION:2.3 -->
<!-- #$AUTHOR:Vladimir Ponechal  -->
<area shape="poly" coords="10,128,12,129,13,133,13,135,13,136,16,138,19,138,19,143,22,146,22,149,22,152,24,154,26,155,29,154,29,143,32,140,37,134,39,130,44,124,47,124,49,119,53,117,58,116,63,115,68,114,71,118,79,110,83,111,86,109,92,113,96,116,99,121,105,121,112,121,113,122,114,127,126,127,129,129,127,143,129,148,130,151,134,158,131,162,131,165,134,167,133,174,134,176,128,178,128,184,120,181,113,179,109,182,102,188,97,188,96,198,93,197,87,196,73,196,68,196,67,198,57,199,55,201,48,196,43,195,46,191,45,187,44,185,35,182,27,173,22,173,22,169,14,165,15,152,12,147,10,143,9,140,7,142,4,142,4,139,8,138,8,134,7,128" alt="KarlovarskyKraj" target="KarlovarskyKraj" href="KarlovarskyKraj" />
<area shape="poly" coords="100,116,108,110,108,101,117,101,119,99,121,101,125,101,134,88,141,90,144,84,148,79,154,85,162,82,164,82,166,74,168,72,166,66,175,66,177,63,181,66,190...

Answer №1

Take a look at this awesome jQuery plugin called maphilight. Example 1 Example 2


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