What is the best way to target specific elements within my array using Jquery?

I have a Wordpress website where the posts contain images with the .aligncenter class. I want to style the images that are less than 400px in width by adding the display:inline-block; property and reducing their size to 40%.

Here is the approach I tried:

var size = jQuery(".aligncenter").width();
if(size < 400) {
 'display' : 'inline-block',
 'width' : '40%'

However, this code ends up affecting all images in the post, including those that are larger than 400px. How can I target only images that are less than 400px?

Answer №1

$(".algincenter").each(function(){ if($(this).width()<400){$(this).css(...) } })

This code snippet targets each element with the class "algincenter", evaluating if its width is less than 400 pixels. If an element exceeds this threshold, specific CSS styles will be applied to it. Otherwise, the element will be left unchanged.

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