Guide to counting the number of image tags within a parent div and selectively removing them starting from a specific position

My dynamic image tag <img> is generated inside a div from the database using fetching. Here is how my HTML looks:

<div class='forimgbox'>
   <p class='palheading'>Pals</p>
   <img src='userpic/2232323.png'  width='80px' height='100px'>
   <img src='userpic/44542.png'  width='80px' height='100px'>   
   <img src='userpic/88282.png'  width='80px' height='100px'>
   <img src='userpic/67788.png'  width='80px' height='100px'>
   <img src='userpic/567886.png'  width='80px' height='100px'>
   <img src='userpic/456788.png'  width='80px' height='100px'>
   <img src='userpic/355667.png'  width='80px' height='100px'>

I want to use jQuery to remove some <img> tags from this parent div. Specifically, I want to keep the first '6' <img> starting from the top and then delete any additional <img> tags that were produced after the 6th tag from the database. Is this possible? My initial thought was to count the number of <img> tags in the parent div and then remove any tags after the 6th one. Your help is appreciated.

Answer №1

To achieve this, employ the :gt() selector.

$(".images-container img:gt(5)").delete();

This method is based on indexing; the selector :gt(5) will target elements with an index greater than 5 (keep in mind that indexes start at 0).

Answer №2

To find the number of images:

console.log($(".forimgbox img").length)

To remove excess images:

$(".forimgbox img:gt(5)").remove()

Check out the fiddle here

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