Troubleshooting jQuery masonry problem related to initial display and height settings

Within a div, there is a masonry container with the inline style property display:none. With several divs on the page, clicking their respective buttons during load causes them to switch like a slideshow. This disrupts masonry's ability to calculate the height accurately upon loading, resulting in the bricks overflowing from the container.

Answer №1

Update: It turns out that using the .load() method in my answer is not the recommended approach.

For more information, please visit:

To address this issue, follow these steps:

  • Add overflow: hidden to .panel in order to clear the floated elements inside it.
  • Instead of running Masonry on .load(), use .ready():

    <script type="text/javascript>
        $(document).ready(function (){
            itemSelector: '.item',
            columnWidth: 100

View the updated version with these changes here:

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