Adjusting Flexslider to perfectly accommodate the height and width of the window dimensions

Currently, I am using Flexslider version 1.8 and seeking to set up a fullscreen image slider on my homepage.

My goal is to adjust the slider to match the browser window size. While experimenting with width:100% and height:auto properties, I have managed to make the width correct, but the height remains an issue. It seems that the image height is based on my screen resolution rather than adjusting to the height of my browser window as desired.

Does anyone have a solution for this issue along with an explanation?

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Have you considered using height:100%;? This would potentially allow the image to fit the height of the browser. To ensure that no part of the image goes off screen, consider giving it an ID and creating a link to that specific ID using #id. Be mindful of avoiding the use of padding: or margin:, as this could cause the image to not fit correctly. Additionally, your explanation is lacking detail - consider providing more information or even some example code for clarity.

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