"Creating a HTML Table with Merged Cells using colspan and rowspan

Creating an HTML table with a unique layout is my latest project. I envision it to look like this:

|       |   |
+-------+   +
|       |   |
|     |     |

To achieve this, I'm utilizing a colgroup to split the entire table into 5% sections and then incorporating colspan and rowspan to merge certain sections together. Unfortunately, despite my efforts, I haven't been successful so far. Any guidance or tips on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated as I need this table for email styling options.

UPDATE: Here's the link to view the requested code.

Answer №1

If you want to determine the exact colspan and rowspan, follow these steps:

    <td colspan="3"></td>
    <td rowspan="2"></td>
    <td colspan="3"></td>
    <td colspan="2"></td>
    <td colspan="2"></td>

Check it out here:


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