What could be causing my navigation bar to not fully extend across the width of the browser with the codes I am currently using

After implementing the CSS code provided below, my goal was to create a navigation bar that spans the entire width of the browser and features a striking red background. Additionally, I intended to position the logo on the furthest left side with text directly to its right. How can I achieve the desired effect of a #ff0000 navigation bar expanding across the full width of the browser? And how do I go about aligning the text to the right of the logo at the top of the browser window?

Review the CSS code snippet:


.titletext {
    text-align: right;

nav {
    display: table;
    background-color: #ff0000;

Here is the HTML markup:


    <div class="titletext">
       <h2>Penguin NetOPS Solutions</h2> 
       <h3>IT Repair</h3>
    <div class="logo">
      <img src="http://www.logodesignlove.com/images/classic/penguin-logo.jpg" alt="Mountain        View" style="width:200px;height:200px">

    <a href= "/~team_21/about_us.html">About Us</a> |
    <a href= "/~team_21/cgi-bin/loan_calculator.cgi">Calculate Loan Payments</a>|
    <a href= "/~team_21/cgi-bin/credit_check.cgi">Credit Check</a> |
    <a href= "/~team_21/contact_us.html">Contact Us</a>|
    <a href= "/~team_21/lottery.html">Special Offer</a>


Answer №1

JS Fiddle

A rule to always remember: avoid placing any code within the <head> tag and utilize float:right for the .titletext element.


<div class="titletext">
   <h2>Penguin NetOPS Solutions</h2> 
   <h3>IT Repair</h3>
<div class="logo">
  <img src="http://www.logodesignlove.com/images/classic/penguin-logo.jpg" alt="Mountain        View" style="width:200px;height:200px">
<div class="clearfix"></div>

    <a href= "/~team_21/about_us.html">About Us</a> |
        <a href= "/~team_21/cgi-bin/loan_calculator.cgi">Calculate Loan Payments</a>|
        <a href= "/~team_21/cgi-bin/credit_check.cgi">Credit Check</a> |
        <a href= "/~team_21/contact_us.html">Contact Us</a>|
        <a href= "/~team_21/lottery.html">Special Offer</a>



        .titletext {
            float: right;
        nav {
            display: table;
            background-color: #ff0000;

Answer №2

Your HTML code is not valid because you are inserting content into the head tag.

Take a look at this DEMO

    <title>Your title</title>
    <!-- Add your content here -->
    <div class="titletext">
   <h2>Penguin NetOPS Solutions</h2> 
   <h3>IT Repair</h3>
<div class="logo">
  <img src="http://www.logodesignlove.com/images/classic/penguin-logo.jpg" alt="Mountain View" style="width:200px;height:200px">

<a href= "/~team_21/about_us.html">About Us</a> |
<a href= "/~team_21/cgi-bin/loan_calculator.cgi">Calculate Loan Payments</a>|
<a href= "/~team_21/cgi-bin/credit_check.cgi">Credit Check</a> |
<a href= "/~team_21/contact_us.html">Contact Us</a>|
<a href= "/~team_21/lottery.html">Special Offer</a>


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