What is the best way to duplicate a CSS shape across a horizontal axis?

I am working on decorating the bottom of my page with a repeated triangle design. The image provided only displays one triangle, but I would like to extend it across the entire horizontal div.

Here is a screenshot of my progress so far: https://i.stack.imgur.com/JJA6D.png

<div class="container triangle"> </div>

.triangle {
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 15px 15px 0 15px;
border-color: #c2cf31 transparent transparent transparent;
background-color: white;

I am wondering if it is feasible to achieve this effect using CSS or if I need to resort to using an image as a background?

Appreciate any assistance on this matter. Thank you.

Answer №1

To add a background image to your CSS, use the following code:


Make sure the background image only repeats horizontally by using this code:


It's essential to use a background image for this effect.

If you want to clone the element using jQuery or another method, it is possible but may not be necessary in this case.

Answer №2

background-image:url('enter your image url here');

Answer №3

I personally believe that using background images in CSS is the way to go, especially if they are not being utilized as links or for SEO purposes. In such cases, just rely on some simple CSS styling for your image.

background-image: url("yoururl/image.jpg") repeat-x;

Although some may suggest using JQuery's clone method, I find it unnecessary and adds extra burden to the page when CSS can handle it efficiently.

Answer №4

If you're feeling adventurous, there's a cool CSS trick that allows you to use an element (like a triangle-shaped div) as a background image. It involves the background:element() property.

Check out a live demo here in Firefox.

Keep in mind that this property currently only works in Mozilla browsers with the -moz- prefix. However, there are ongoing efforts to make it compatible with webkit browsers too. Hopefully, we'll see wider browser support for this feature in the future.

Answer №5

Utilize the image as a background element and allow it to repeat seamlessly throughout the design. I must admit, I have a preference for background images over directly embedding them into the HTML code. This is mainly due to the fact that background images are not as easily copied by individuals compared to those embedded in the HTML.

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