CSS background property does not function properly if the URL contains brackets

Here is the URL for an image I am working with:


Currently, I am having an issue in my CSS:

background: url(http://www.andrearosseti.cl/image/cache/data/New%20Coleccion/Planas/SWEET-5-TAUPE-(1)-340x340.jpg)

The problem arises due to the presence of brackets in the URL.

I have attempted to escape the bracket, but it did not work. Any suggestions?

I am using Rails and SCSS.

Thank you

Answer №1

Here is a quick tip: Add a \ before the brackets.




span {
    background: url(http://www.andrearosseti.cl/image/cache/data/New%20Coleccion/Planas/SWEET-5-TAUPE-\(1\)-340x340.jpg);
    width: 300px;
    height: 300px;


Answer №2

Substitute brackets with encoded bracket characters:

span {
    background: url(http://www.jennifersmith.co/image/cache/data/Summer%20Collection/Sandals/BREEZY-9-BROWN-%282%29-400x400.jpg);
    width: 350px;
    height: 350px;

Answer №3

Enclose the URL within quotation marks:

background: url('http://www.andrearosseti.cl/image/cache/data/New%20Coleccion/Planas/SWEET-5-TAUPE-(1)-600x600.jpg')

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