Utilizing JQuery for a smooth animation effect with the slide down feature

I have a question about my top navigation bar animation. While scrolling down, it seems to be working fine but the animation comes with a fade effect. I would like to achieve a slide-down effect for the background instead. Since scrolling doesn't trigger the slide down, I'm having trouble making it work as desired. Can anyone offer some assistance?

For reference, here is my site:

And here is the code snippet in question:

$(function() {
var floating_navigation_offset_top = $('#floating-nav').offset().top;
    var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
    if(scrollTop > floating_navigation_offset_top)
        $('#floating-nav').stop().animate({'opacity':'1'},800).css({'position':'fixed','top': '0', 'z-index': '99'});


Answer №1

My understanding is that to achieve a slide down effect, instead of animating opacity, you can simply animate the height from 0 to the height of your slide down menu.


Alternatively, as suggested by Alexander Lozada in a comment, you can utilize the .slideDown() function.


further update: As requested, here is a basic example

note: for slideDown to work, the element must be hidden using jQuery methods like slideUp(), or through CSS properties like display:none

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