Instructions for retrieving data from a weather API using JavaScript

Hello amazing Stackoverflow community! I need your help to figure out how to extract data from a weather REST API using JavaScript. I'm struggling to fetch the weather condition and date/time information from this API.

    info: {
        _postman_id: "3683bf65-703d-2798-6901-c97ed650c68f",
            name: "IOT",
                schema: ""
    item: [
            name: "Find",
            id: "df046832-3c4d-950c-ae9f-dae36af7ebc7",
            request: {
                method: "POST",
                header: [
                        key: "Content-Type",
                        value: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
                body: {
                    mode: "urlencoded",
                    urlencoded: [
                            key: "table",
                            value: "data",
                            type: "text"
                            key: "search",
                            value: "{"device":"24: 6f: 28: 7a: 87: c2","date":{"$gt":"time(2021 - 02 - 21T13: 10: 48.593Z)","$lt":"time(2021 - 02 - 21T14: 10: 48.593Z)"}}",
                            type: "text"
                            key: "",
                            value: "{"device":"24: 6f: 28: 7a: 87: c2","date":{"$lt":"time(Sun Feb 21 2021 16: 59: 53 GMT + 0300(Arabian Standard Time))"}}",
                            type: "text"
                url: ""
            response: []

This is my code for fetching data from the API:

.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
  console.log(data.item[0].request.body.urlencoded[2].value) // Prints result from `response.json()` in getRequest
.catch(error => console.error(error))

Please, can anyone help me with extracting the array of time and weather conditions?

Answer №1

Prior to utilizing the information, it is imperative to properly interpret the outcomes.

.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
  let value1 = JSON.parse(data.item[0].request.body.urlencoded[1].value)
  let value2 = JSON.parse(data.item[0].request.body.urlencoded[2].value);
   console.log (,;
.catch(error => console.error(error))

Answer №2

The information contained within the urlencoded is structured in JSON format. To convert it into an object, utilize the method JSON.parse.

.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {

    const value = data.item[0].request.body.urlencoded[1].value;
    const json  = JSON.parse(value);
.catch(error => console.error(error))

// Output:
// 24:6f:28:7a:87:c2
// time(2021-02-21T13:10:48.593Z)

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