Modify HTML text using conditional CSS without JavaScript

Apologies for asking such a beginner question, but I've searched high and low for a similar post, to no avail.

Here's my query:

I have a paragraph text in my HTML code that I want to automatically replace with new text when I click a specific Button.

Is it possible to achieve this using just CSS, without involving any javascript?

I'm mindful of users who block javascript, which is why I am exploring alternative solutions...

Thank you very much.

Answer №1

Hey @Vaidya & @Preet, did you know that it's actually possible to achieve this using only CSS?

Check out this article for more information:

@fana, if you want to make changes affect the following div instead of itself, you'll need to use a plus selector or a tilde selector.

It seems like using CSS to replace content is not well-received in the stackoverflow community due to code cleanliness concerns. However, I believe that as time goes on, we will discover the true potential of CSS/SASS and start incorporating more programmatic and dynamic elements into our designs.

Answer №2

Doing this task using CSS alone is not possible; you will have to incorporate a script to handle the on-click event.

Answer №3

Although it may not be exactly what you're looking for, this concept can provide you with some inspiration. With a few adjustments, you can customize it to fit your needs. (Please note that achieving conditional and click events using only CSS is not possible; JavaScript is required for that.)

If you want to trigger an action on text click itself, there's a simple method to achieve it. By using a hidden checkbox and displaying the text inside a label element, you can easily switch between different texts using just CSS:

 #example {
      position: relative;
    #example-checkbox {
      display: none;
    #example-checkbox:checked + #example:after {
      content: "Hide";
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      right: 0;
      bottom: 0;
      background: white;
 <input id="example-checkbox" type="checkbox">
    <label for="example-checkbox" id="example">Show</label>

Reference Take a look at the CSS-only approach.

I hope this information proves helpful for you.

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