What could be causing my Gatsby/Material-UI website to display slightly larger than the viewport?

For my personal website, I decided to use the Gatsby/MUI starter as a base. However, I am facing an issue where all pages are rendering slightly larger than the viewport size, regardless of the device screen size.

The site utilizes MUI Grid and I have already ensured that the meta viewport head element specifies width=device-width. The problem does not seem to be related to fixed-size elements or grid spacing options like margins or padding.

If anyone has any suggestions for debugging this issue or would like to see specific information to help in troubleshooting, please let me know. You can access the site at

You can find the code for the website here

Update: I noticed that if I remove all pages except for index, the problem still persists as soon as I add content inside an MUI component with spacing options like

<Grid container spacing={x}>

Answer №1

Issue resolved by including a parent div element with padding that is at least half the value of the spacing in pixels. For example, for a spacing={10}, the padding of the root div should be set to padding={5}.

Further information can be found on the official Material-UI Grid documentation page.

This topic is closely linked to the problem discussed in this post.

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