The images are not clickable when trying to hyperlink them

I'm attempting to create a clickable image that will redirect users to another site when clicked. Here's the code I've tried:

<div class="haus">
    <a href=""><img src="" alt="Haus"></a>


.haus {
    height: 100%;
    margin-left: 50px;
    padding: 0 0 5px;
    width: 30px;
    border:1px solid red;

However, I am not seeing the hyperlink icon when hovering over the image.

Answer №1

Your image appears BEHIND the banner. To fix this issue, you can use the following CSS code:

.haus>a {
     position: absolute;
     z-index: 9999;

It's crucial to set a high z-index value in order to ensure that the header is positioned at the back.

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