Performance issues with jquery addClass and removeClass functions observed in Internet Explorer 11

I am currently working on an application that monitors nodes within a cluster, and I have created a visual state example to demonstrate this. Each small box in the grid represents a node, and when hovering over a node, the rest of the nodes in that particular rack fade out.

If you would like to view the visual state image, please follow this link to Photobucket: visual state

While the fading effect works smoothly in Chrome and Firefox, there is a noticeable lag in IE 11. I understand that IE's javascript engine is slower compared to other browsers, so I would appreciate any input from the SO community on how to optimize my code for better performance. As someone who may not be the best front-end programmer, your suggestions are highly valued. Below are snippets of the code I am using:

Snippet from the Django template (each node has id="matrix-box-<node #>"):

    <td id="visual-state"><b>visual state</b></td>
    <td id="matrix" colspan=5>
        {% for row in v.22 %}
            {% if v.23 == "ca" %}
                {% if forloop.counter0|divisibleby:4 %}
                    <div id="rack-{% widthratio forloop.counter0 4 1 %}-{{ k }}" title="rack-{% widthratio forloop.counter0 4 1 %}">
                {% endif %}
            {% elif v.23 ==  "cs" %}
                {% if forloop.counter0|divisibleby:8 %}
                    <div id="rack-{% widthratio forloop.counter0 8 1 %}-{{ k }}" title="rack-{% widthratio forloop.counter0 8 1 %}">
                {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
            <div class="row">
            {% for elem in row %}
                {% if elem.1 == "#49E20E" %}
                    <div class="node node-faded" id="matrix-box-{{ elem.0 }}-{{ k }}" style="background: #00DC00;" title="{{ elem.0 }}"></div>

CSS code snippet:

    .node {
        width: 4px;
        height: 4px;
        float: left;
        border: 1px solid #B0B0B0;
        background: #cccccf;
        margin: 0 !important;
        cursor: pointer;
        filter: alpha(opacity=100);
        opacity: 1;

    .faded .node-faded {
        width: 4px;
        height: 4px;
        filter: alpha(opacity=50);
        opacity: .5;
...more CSS code

Snippet from the JavaScript code:

    var node = null;
    var node_id = null;
    var rack = null;
    var nodes = null;

            mouseenter: function(){
                node = $(this);
                rack = node.parent().parent();
            mouseleave: function(){
            click: function(e){

I welcome any constructive criticism that can help improve my code quality. Thank you for your assistance!

Answer №1

Without the opportunity to test, it becomes a game of guesswork. The approach is as follows:

$('[id^=matrix-box]').on({ mouseenter: function(){});

This attaches a new event listener to each element with an id starting with matrix-box. While not the worst idea, it may be sluggish if there are many such items.

To confirm this, here's a demo:

To address performance concerns, employing a delegated event listener would be beneficial.

Consider rewriting your code like so:

$(function () {
    $('#matrix').on('mouseenter mouseleave click', '[id^=matrix-box]', function (event) {

Here's the updated demo:

This modification ensures that your code only has event listeners on $('#matrix'), rather than on every child node. It also proves useful when adding new items via ajax in the future.

You can verify event listeners under the Event Listeners tab in Chrome Developer Tools.

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