Achieving text alignment with icons in Angular

I'm having trouble aligning my text with the icon next to it despite trying to adjust margins. I would really appreciate any help or suggestions on how to resolve this issue.

    <div class="notification"
        [ngClass]="{'noty-error' : (caraouselItems[notificationIndex].notificationType==1),'noty-warn': (caraouselItems[notificationIndex].notificationType==2)}"
        <div class="firstPart">
            <i-feather name="x-circle" *ngIf="caraouselItems[notificationIndex].notificationType==1" class="noty-error-icon"></i-feather>
            <i-feather name="alert-triangle" *ngIf="caraouselItems[notificationIndex].notificationType==2" class="noty-warn-icon"></i-feather>


  .notification {
    padding: 0px 14px  ;
    font-weight: bold;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    height: 50px;

.noty-error {
    border: 1px solid #D2232B;

.noty-error-icon {
    color: #D2232B;
    margin-right: 14px;
    stroke-width: 1 !important;
    width: 30px;
    height: 30px;

Answer №1

  To achieve proper alignment, use the following style and make adjustments based on your desired position:

    Simply adjust the bottom value to suit your needs for proper alignment.

 <span style="position:relative;bottom:2px;">

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