Crafting CSS for styling input type file elements

My attempts to style the input type file with CSS have been unsuccessful. In my current code, the "choose file" button is displaying above my styled button. How can I use CSS to remove this?

I am aiming to only display a blue colored button for uploading files.

Check out the demo here:

<input #file type="file" id="fileInput" accept='image/*' (change)="preview(file.files)" class="btn btn-primary btn-block mx-auto" value="UPLOAD IMAGE" />

Answer №1

Below is the HTML code snippet to use (assuming Bootstrap is being utilized):

<label class="btn btn-primary">
    Browse <input type="file" style="display: none;">

Answer №2

While you may have been referencing Bootstrap's documentation for buttons, I believe utilizing Bootstrap's documentation for input groups would be more beneficial for your needs. Take a look at the section labelled 'Custom file input' on this page: Incorporating your style into these elements could yield better results.

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