Only conceal the breadcrumb trail on the 404 error page

I have recently created a custom node for my site's 404 page with the path /node/83 in the site information. However, I am facing an issue where I cannot hide the .breadcrumb element using display:none. I attempted to achieve this through CSS injector but I am struggling to apply it only to the 404 page. Upon inspecting the element, I noticed that there is only the .breadcrumb class and no additional classes that indicate a 404 page like page-404. I tried adding a new rule to the CSS injector but I am unsure of the correct path to target only the 404 page: link to the not found page

Alternatively, I thought about utilizing a unique class that only applies to the 404 page, if such a class exists by default: add a class to the not found page

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Avoid concealing it within CSS while also refraining from transmitting the breadcrumb to the viewer's browser.

For more information, visit

Answer №2

To customize the 404 page, first open the webpage where you want to make changes and access the web inspector. Look for a specific class on the body or html tag that corresponds to the 404 page, such as page-404.

Next, add the following code to your custom CSS:

.page-404 .breadcrumb {

    // Insert your styles here


Answer №3

When working with Drupal, it may be a bit tricky to perform a PHP check to determine if a page is a 404 error page or if the body tag of the 404 page has a specific CSS class. If there is a CSS class on the body tag that relates to an error page, you can target elements accordingly (e.g., target the breadcrumb by using 'body.error .breadcrumbs {display: none;}'). If this approach is not feasible, you can refer to

The guide provides instructions on creating your custom 404 page.

  • Create two nodes for different types of page errors (403 and 404).

  • Find the ID number of the node you want users to be redirected to. You can locate the node's ID number by checking the number after the last slash in the browser's address bar when visiting the node.

  • Input the paths to your nodes in the relevant fields on your error reporting settings page. For example, if the node ID number for 403 error codes is "83," input "node/83" in the "Default 403 (access denied) page" setting.

  • In Drupal 6, go to

  • In Drupal 7, visit The nodes you create will appear in various blocks like tracker and popular content, just like regular nodes. If this is undesired, consider using a contributed module like Custom Error to address this issue.

    You might also want to explore the Redirect 403 to User Login module for Drupal 7, which allows redirection to the login page and customization of 403 and 404 error messages.


To make changes, navigate to sites/all/themes/themename/template.php and modify the file.

Add the following code snippet at the beginning:

function themename_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
 // Adds a Custom 404 page
 $header = drupal_get_http_header("status");
 if($header == "404 Not Found") { ?>
    .your-custom-css-here {}

 <?php }

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