modifying the appearance of the play button through a JavaScript event without directly altering it

I am currently working on building a music player from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript only. To store the list of songs, I have created an array named "songs" with details such as song name, file path, and cover image path.

let songs = [
   {songName: "Butter", filePath:"songs/1.mp3",coverPath:'covers/1.png'},
   {songName: "Boy With Luv", filePath:"songs/2.mp3",coverPath:'covers/2.jpeg'},
   {songName: "Dynamite", filePath:"songs/3.mp3",coverPath:'covers/3.jpeg'},
   {songName: "Idol", filePath:"songs/4.mp3",coverPath:'covers/4.png'},
   {songName: "Life Goes On", filePath:"songs/5.mp3",coverPath:'covers/5.jpeg'},
   {songName: "Mic Drop", filePath:"songs/6.mp3",coverPath:'covers/6.jpeg'},

Here is how the user interface looks:

Currently, when changing to the next song using the navigation buttons at the bottom, the song changes but the play icon does not update accordingly. For example, if you switch to the fourth song, the UI still shows the third song playing.

I want to modify the styling of the icon when either the next or previous button is clicked. The function has access to the current song's index for reference.

For your convenience, here is the code snippet related to the next button functionality:

//next button
document.getElementById('next').addEventListener('click', (e)=>{
 songIndex = (songIndex >=5) ? 0 : songIndex+1;
 audioElement.src = `songs/${songIndex}.mp3`;
 audioElement.currentTime = 0;;
 mastersongName.innerText = "BTS - "+songs[songIndex].songName;
 masterSideImg.src = songs[songIndex].coverPath;


Below is the complete HTML structure of the project:

<html lang="en">
 <meta charset="UTF-8">
 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
 <title>Redify - listen music here</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
         <li class="brand"><img src="logo.png" alt="logo">Spotify</li>

<div class="container">
    <div class="songList">
        <h1>Best of BTS</h1>
        <!-- Songs List Items Go Here -->

    <div class="songBanner">
    <!-- Song Banner Content Goes Here -->  

<div class="bottom">
    <!-- Bottom Controls Section -->
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>

You can visit the GitHub repository for the full project implementation:

Answer №1

I redesigned the play/pause icon configuration into a separate function:

const ICON_PLAY = 1;
const ICON_STOP= 0;

const handleSongPlayIcon = (target, isPlaying) => {
  if (isPlaying == ICON_PLAY) {
  } else if (isPlaying == ICON_STOP) {

and made adjustments to several functions in your script for toggling icons

//Initialising Variables

let songIndex = 0;
let audioElement= new Audio("songs/0.mp3");
let masterPlay = document.getElementById("masterPlay");
let myProgressBar = document.getElementById("myProgressBar");
let gif = document.getElementById("gif");
let songItems = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("songItem"));
let songTitle = document.getElementsByClassName("songInfo");
let mastersongName = document.getElementById("mastersongName");
let masterSideImg = document.getElementById("masterSideImg");

// Array of Songs
let songs = [
  { songName: "Butter", filePath: "songs/1.mp3", coverPath: "covers/1.png" },
    songName: "Boy With Luv",
    filePath: "songs/2.mp3",
    coverPath: "covers/2.jpeg",
  { songName: "Dynamite", filePath: "songs/3.mp3", coverPath: "covers/3.jpeg" },
  { songName: "Idol", filePath: "songs/4.mp3", coverPath: "covers/4.png" },
    songName: "Life Goes On",
    filePath: "songs/5.mp3",
    coverPath: "covers/5.jpeg",
  { songName: "Mic Drop", filePath: "songs/6.mp3", coverPath: "covers/6.jpeg" },

const handleSongPlayIcon = (target, isPlaying) => {
  if (isPlaying == ICON_PLAY) {
  } else if (isPlaying ==ICON_STOP ) {

// Loop through each song item
songItems.forEach((item, i) => {
  item.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].src = songs[i].coverPath;
  item.getElementsByClassName("songName")[0].innerText = songs[i].songName;

// Click event listener for play/pause functionality
masterPlay.addEventListener("click", () => {
  const allSongsPlayItemElements = document.querySelectorAll(".songItemPlay");


  if (audioElement.paused || audioElement.currentTime <= 0) {;
    handleSongPlayIcon(masterPlay, ICON_STOP);
    handleSongPlayIcon(allSongsPlayItemElements[songIndex], ICON_STOP); = 1;
  } else {
    handleSongPlayIcon(masterPlay, ICON_PLAY);
    handleSongPlayIcon(allSongsPlayItemElements[songIndex], ICON_PLAY); = 0;

// Event listener for updating song progress bar
audioElement.addEventListener("timeupdate", () => {
  progress = parseInt((audioElement.currentTime / audioElement.duration) * 100);
  myProgressBar.value = progress;

// Update song playback time on manual change
myProgressBar.addEventListener("change", () => {
  audioElement.currentTime =(myProgressBar.value * audioElement.duration) / 100;

// Function to display play symbol for all songs
const makeAllPlay = () => {
    (item) => {
      handleSongPlayIcon(item, ICON_PLAY);

// Event listeners for song playing/pausing
let selectedSongIndex;
Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("songItemPlay")).forEach((item) => {
  item.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
    songIndex = parseInt(;
    if (audioElement.paused === true) {
      selectedSongIndex = songIndex;
      audioElement.src = `songs/${songIndex}.mp3`;
      audioElement.currentTime = 0;;
      handleSongPlayIcon(, ICON_STOP);
      handleSongPlayIcon(masterPlay, ICON_STOP); = 1;
    } else if (audioElement.paused === false) {
      if (selectedSongIndex === songIndex) {
        handleSongPlayIcon(, ICON_PLAY);
        handleSongPlayIcon(masterPlay, ICON_PLAY); = 0;
      } else {
        songIndex = parseInt(;
        selectedSongIndex = songIndex;

        audioElement.src = `songs/${songIndex}.mp3`;
        audioElement.currentTime = 0;;
        handleSongPlayIcon(, ICON_STOP);
        handleSongPlayIcon(masterPlay, ICON_STOP); = 1;
    mastersongName.innerText = "BTS - " + songs[songIndex].songName;
    masterSideImg.src = songs[songIndex].coverPath;

    // Check if song has ended
    audioElement.addEventListener("timeupdate", () => {
      if (audioElement.currentTime === audioElement.duration) {
        console.log("song Completed");
        songIndex = songIndex >= 5 ? 0 : songIndex + 1;
        audioElement.src = `songs/${songIndex}.mp3`;
        audioElement.currentTime = 0;;
        mastersongName.innerText = "BTS - " + songs[songIndex].songName;
        masterSideImg.src = songs[songIndex].coverPath;
        const allSongsPlayItemElements = document.querySelectorAll(".songItemPlay");
        handleSongPlayIcon(allSongsPlayItemElements[songIndex], ICON_STOP);

// Next button functionality
document.getElementById("next").addEventListener("click", () => {
  const allSongsPlayItemElements = document.querySelectorAll(".songItemPlay");
  handleSongPlayIcon(allSongsPlayItemElements[songIndex], ICON_PLAY);

  songIndex = songIndex >= 5 ? 0 : songIndex + 1;
  audioElement.src = `songs/${songIndex}.mp3`;
  audioElement.currentTime = 0;;

  handleSongPlayIcon(masterPlay, ICON_STOP);
  mastersongName.innerText = "BTS - " + songs[songIndex].songName;
  masterSideImg.src = songs[songIndex].coverPath;
  handleSongPlayIcon(allSongsPlayItemElements[songIndex], ICON_STOP);

// Previous button functionality
document.getElementById("previous").addEventListener("click", () => {
  const allSongsPlayItemElements = document.querySelectorAll(".songItemPlay");
  handleSongPlayIcon(allSongsPlayItemElements[songIndex], ICON_PLAY);

  songIndex = songIndex <= 0 ? 5 : songIndex - 1;
  audioElement.src = `songs/${songIndex}.mp3`;
  audioElement.currentTime = 0;;

  handleSongPlayIcon(masterPlay, ICON_STOP);
  mastersongName.innerText = "BTS - " + songs[songIndex].songName;
  masterSideImg.src = songs[songIndex].coverPath;

  handleSongPlayIcon(allSongsPlayItemElements[songIndex], ICON_STOP);

Answer №2

It appears that you may have overlooked calling makeAllPlay(); at the start of the previous/next button click handlers. Additionally, don't forget to update the currently playing song item to display the pause button.

Be sure to include the following code snippet near the beginning of both click handlers (for previous/next buttons):

const itemElem = document.getElementsByClassName("songItemPlay")[songIndex];

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