What advantages does em have over px in the Zurb Foundation's responsive grid system?

The Zurb Foundation Media Queries are specified in em units:

$small-range: (0em, 40em); /* 0, 640px */
$medium-range: (40.063em, 64em); /* 641px, 1024px */
$large-range: (64.063em, 90em); /* 1025px, 1440px */
$xlarge-range: (90.063em, 120em); /* 1441px, 1920px */
$xxlarge-range: (120.063em); /* 1921px */

I am struggling to see the benefit of this approach. There must be a reason behind it that I'm not grasping and I'd like to understand it!

If I decided to adjust the font size for the entire body, would I need to manually update all these values? Maybe using PXtoEM.com could help.

I've searched far and wide online for an explanation, but nothing seems to provide a satisfactory answer...

So why exactly are em units favored over pixels in this scenario? (I've come to learn that if something doesn't make sense in CSS, there's probably a lesson to be learned)

Answer №1

I have recently delved into the world of ems using Zurb's Foundation front-end framework.

My understanding is that ems and percentages allow for more precise element proportions across different screen sizes and displays.

There are numerous conversion tools and calculators available to seamlessly convert pixels to ems.

If you're looking for a reliable reference, check out this handy link with nice input/output fields:

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