Securing containers with CSS styling

I'm currently working on a website and I've encountered an issue with positioning. Within the content section, I have two main text boxes - one in the top left corner and one in the bottom right corner. However, when the browser window is resized, the boxes shift, with the bottom box moving to the left and the top box moving to the right due to their position:absolute settings. Is there a way to lock them in place or perhaps create a 'wall' in the middle to prevent this movement?

#contentleft {
    font: normal 14px verdana, sans-serif;
    width: 450px;
#contentright {
    font: normal 14px verdana, sans-serif;
    margin:0 auto;
    width: 500px;

Answer №1

When your two textboxes are contained within a parent div, it's important not to rely too heavily on CSS positioning. Try using #contentleft {float: left} to manage the layout instead. Avoid using position: absolute since this can cause issues when the browser window is resized. Opt for position: relative instead to keep the positioning confined to the boundaries of the parent div.

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