Border for status input like on Facebook

I tried to investigate with Firebug, but struggled to find a solution. How does Facebook wrap the border around the autosize input in the status section? I am particularly curious about the small triangle attached to the border. While using Firebug, I located the triangle itself, presented as a GIF image:

.uiComposerAttachment, .nub {
    background: url( no-repeat center top;
    height: 7px;
    width: 11px
    position: absolute;
    left: 2px;
    top: 18px;

Despite finding the triangle, I was unable to determine how it is positioned above the input and whether the border is created using a background image or defined within CSS.

Answer №1

I created a fiddle that imitates the facebook status box...

I incorporated some additional features into the demo, including discovering an interesting jQuery plugin for textarea auto-resizing.

Facebook employs a <textarea> element and handles the border in a straightforward manner.

The prompt "What's on your mind?" is located within the <textarea> element with surrounding borders created by multiple <div> elements (more than just the 2 displayed above). Additionally, as mentioned, the small arrow above "What's on your mind?" is a .gif image, but it can also be achieved using CSS alone!

About the triangle...

If you're curious about alternative methods of achieving this with only CSS, I recently posed a question regarding the little triangle! Here's the link...

How can I make a "tooltip tail" using pure CSS?

... and here are the suggested solutions:

  • solution 1
  • solution 2
  • solution 3
  • solution 4 (this one is REALLY clever!!!)

I trust this information is beneficial.

Answer №2

If you're looking to achieve this using just CSS, here's a great resource that shows you how:

This question has come up before, so you might find some additional insights in past discussions.

Answer №3

The border surrounding the textarea is actually applied to the parent divs (.uiTypeahead, .wrap) within the form. It appears that the actual textarea itself does not have a border.

Regarding the triangle, it is simply a CSS background element located inside the li (the items representing status, photo, video, link, etc in a list). The triangle can be represented by this code: <i class="nub"></i>. This element is then positioned absolutely to align at the bottom of the list which contains the form just beneath it.

Answer №4

Appreciate the helpful hints,

I was able to conquer it with just a few lines of code:

#type_indicator { /* img#type_indicator refers to the triangle image tag, located before the input field in the HTML code */

Best regards


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