How can I turn off Angular Grid's virtualization feature, where Angular generates div elements for the grid based on height and width positions?

Currently, I am working with an Angular grid (ag-grid) that dynamically creates div elements in the DOM to display data as the user scrolls or views different sections. As part of my testing process using Selenium WebDriver, I need to retrieve this data from the grid and compare it against the data returned from the API.

However, due to some of the div's being hidden behind Angular virtualization, WebDriver is unable to accurately capture all the data.

I am looking for a solution to force the grid to display all data at once. Is there a way to achieve this?

Answer №1

One key feature is the gridOptions.rowBuffer setting, allowing the grid to render additional rows above and below the viewport. By setting this value higher than your total number of rows, all rows will be displayed. In case of uncertainty, simply set it to 9999999.

It's worth noting that you referred to 'Angular Grid' and 'Angular Virtualisation', but the correct terms are 'Agnostic Grid' (where ag stands for AGnostic) and the virtualization technique used within the grid is specific to the grid itself, not Angular.

Answer №2

To ensure Angular instantiates the desired divs, try directly interacting with the scrollbar or panning within the scrolled area. You could also use scroll-into-view on a known instantiated object near the edge of the set to prompt Angular to instantiate the neighboring ones just outside the current view. If needed, repeat this process as necessary.

If you need further assistance, check out this informative page on scrolling to an element in Selenium: Scroll Element into View with Selenium

Answer №3

Consider changing the domLayout property to domLayout = 'autoHeight'

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