Group in group, glitch in outdated browser

Facing an issue with IE6 while writing HTML/CSS code.

I am looking to create dynamic divs using classes:

Here is a simple example (not real-project code):

.top {width: 50px;}
.top.selected {background: #f00;}
.mid {width: 114px;}
.mid.selected {background: #0f0;}
.bot {width: 100px;}
.bot.selected {background: #0ff; color: #f00;}
...and so on...

So the HTML structure would be like this:

<div class='top selected'>1</div>
<div class='mid'>2</div>
<div class='bot selected'>3</div>

This setup works perfectly for most browsers, but unfortunately not in IE6.


.topselected {background: #f00;} // <div class='top topselected'>
works as expected, but it's not ideal. Are there any hacks available?

Answer №1

To enhance readability and maintenance, consider implementing more descriptive class names and separating them accordingly:

.highlighted { background: #0f0; }
.wide { width: 114px; }
/* etc... */

By utilizing this approach, your HTML code will function effectively and remain easier to manage in my opinion.

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