Struggling to align a div at the center of a screen

Snippet of HTML Code:

<!-- Social Media Icons -->
<div id="sm1"><a href="/"><img src="images/facebook.png" height=40 width=40></img></a>
<div id="sm2"><a href="/"><img src="images/twitter.png" height=40 width=40></img><a></div>
    <!-- Logo -->
    <div id="logo"><img src="images/logo.png"</img></div>
    <div id="slogan"><blockquote>Insert slogan here...</blockquote></div>
    <!-- Slideshow -->
    <div id="slideshow"></div>
    <!-- Box -->
    <div id="box1" class="boxes"></div>
    <div id="box2" class="boxes"></div>
    <div id="box3" class="boxes"></div>
    <div id="box4" class="boxes"></div>
    <!-- Footer -->
    <div id="footer">
        <div id="footerimg">
            <img src="images/facebook.png" height=20 width=20></img>
            <img src="images/twitter.png" height=20 width=20></img>
            <div id="footertext">
            &copy; 2014 My Designs. All Rights Reserved.

CSS Styling:

body {
blockquote {
#logo { 
#sm1 {
#sm2 {
#slideshow {
#box1 {
#box2 {
#box3 {
#box4 {
#footer {
#slogan {
#footerimg {
#footertext {
.boxes {

I need assistance in centering the content within <body></body> and <footer></footer>. I have tried various solutions without success. Experts, please help optimize my code layout for better appearance.

Thank you! Visit the JSFiddle link here.

Answer №1

You must make several adjustments.

Here is the latest version of the code.

Eliminate the use of position: absolute for elements with classes .footer, .boxes, and body.

Also, remove the left margin for all instances of #boxes.

Lastly, incorporate the use of .wrapper to centralize the content.

Apply margin: 0 auto to the .footer.

Answer №2

If you want to align the elements in the middle of a page, one way to do it is by enclosing all the content within a div right after the body tag. This div is commonly referred to as a container div (you can give it any id, but it's usually named #container). Then, you can add the following style to the container div:

   margin:0 auto;
   width:    ; // Adjust the width accordingly until the layout appears centered

Answer №3

Kindly adjust the width to be 750px;

 #footer {


This solution worked for me; I hope it aligns with your requirements.

Update: please refer to this , if this matches your desired outcome.

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