A sleek CSS text link for a stylish video carousel

I am attempting to create a CSS-only text link to video slider within our Umbraco CMS.

Due to the limitations of TinyMCE WYSIWYG, I am restricted in the amount of code I can use as it will strip out most of it.

So far, I have developed a basic CSS slider and experimented with various click actions. The only method that seems to be effective is using a standard HREF. For example:

<!-- YouTube video - multiple 'item*' elements -->

       <div class="item slide-in" id="item0"><br /> <br />          <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1Wh8RzcQZr4?feature=oembed" <br />              allowfullscreen="" width="410" height="231" frameborder="0"></iframe><br />         

<!-- End YouTube video -->

<!-- Link to open the video using 'item*' ID -->

        <a href="#item1" class="btn btn-large btn-primary">Cat link one</a><br />        <br> <br><br />        <a href="#item2" class="btn btn-large btn-primary">Cat link two</a>

<!-- end video link 'item*' -->


The issue here is that it behaves solely as a page anchor, which is quite frustrating for me.

I am limited to making changes within the CMS interface and can only insert JS in either the header or footer of the document.

Check out the jsfiddle example

I can only add an onClick event to an <a href... onclick=...>, but this still results in creating an on-page anchor...

Your input would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

You can change an <iframe>'s src using just an <a> tag without the need for JavaScript. Follow these steps:

  1. Give a name attribute to the <iframe>
  2. Set the target attribute of the <a> tag to the value of the name attribute in the <iframe>
  3. Add a href to the <a> tag with the URL of any valid YouTube video

If you want the video to play automatically when the button is clicked, add autoplay=1 to the end of the video URL.

You can style the link to look like a button if you prefer that over regular anchor tags.

The videos may not work in the snippet example above. For a live demonstration, visit this PLUNKER


a {
  text-decoration: none;
<button><a href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RUlbTCjnX6E?ecver=1" target='yt'>1 Minute</a></button>
<button><a href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1Wh8RzcQZr4?ecver=1" target='yt'>Cat Fails</a></button><br/>

<iframe name='yt' src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1Wh8RzcQZr4?feature=oembed" allowfullscreen width="410" height="231" frameborder="0"></iframe>

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