While v-carousel adjusts to different screen sizes, the images it displays do not adapt to

Whenever I implement v-carousel, everything seems to be working well, but there is an issue on mobile. Despite the carousel itself being responsive, the images inside do not resize properly, resulting in only the center portion of each image being displayed:

 <v-carousel hide-delimiters>
       v-for="(item,i) in items"

Is there a way to solve this? I would like the images within the carousel to adjust responsively as well.

Answer №1

After exploring the functionality of v-carousel, I discovered that they utilize div elements with background images. To achieve the desired effect, you need to utilize the background-size CSS property and ensure it is set to background-size: cover. For further information, refer to the details on W3 here

UPDATE: Upon delving deeper into v-carousel, it appears that the image formatting can be configured through the API as outlined here

Answer №2

Understanding the functionality of v-carousel may be a bit confusing, but upon inspecting the HTML code, it seems that the carousel is using background images, which unfortunately hinders the responsiveness of your image.

I recommend exploring alternative carousels or finding an option that allows you to adjust how the image is displayed.

By using an img tag and setting max-width: 100% in your CSS, you can achieve a responsive image.

Answer №3

To make the carousel responsive and have the images shrink according to the container or screen width, simply insert height="auto" into the <v-carousel> tag like this:

<v-carousel height="auto" hide-delimiters>

With this adjustment, the carousel will adjust its size based on the available space.

Answer №4

Upon examining v-carousel-item, I discovered that it is used to display images. After further inspection of the v-img component in Vuetify, I learned that by adding the attribute contain to v-carousel-item, you can ensure that the image fills all available space and avoids cropping if it doesn't fit. To integrate this feature into your code, make the following adjustment:

<v-carousel hide-delimiters>
       v-for="(item,i) in items"

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