The center alignment doesn't seem to function properly on mobile or tablet devices

I've designed a basic webpage layout, but I'm facing an issue with responsiveness on mobile and tablet devices. The problem seems to be related to the width: 100% property in my CSS, but I can't seem to pinpoint the exact solution.

While troubleshooting, I made some interesting observations:

  1. Testing the HTML+CSS code on jsfiddle ( revealed similar display issues on mobile and tablet.
  2. However, switching jsfiddle to fullscreen mode ( resolved the problem not only on desktop but also on mobile and tablet!

Check out the online version of my layout. Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

SOLVED: Following Maximilian Hoffmann's advice, I added min-width: 960px to the header and footer sections, fixing the display issue across various devices.

Answer №1

To ensure your outer div adjusts properly on mobile, consider changing its fixed width of 960px to a max-width setting. This will allow the div to shrink to the viewport width accordingly.

Answer №2

Special thanks to Maximilian Hoffmann for his valuable advice that helped me solve the issue. By simply including min-width: 960px in both the header and footer, everything is now functioning as intended.

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