Is it still necessary to include -webkit- and -moz- prefixes for widely recognized CSS3 properties?

I'm currently in the process of tidying up a CSS file, and I'm contemplating whether it's now acceptable to remove vendor-specific properties if they have been standardized (or at least partially standardized).

For instance, should I continue using


Or would it be wiser to just stick with



Answer №1

The necessity to continue using browser-prefixed versions of CSS properties varies depending on the specific property in question. It is generally recommended to keep utilizing these prefixed versions based on factors such as implementation status and the prevalence of different browser versions, rather than solely relying on standardized versions.

For comprehensive information on CSS properties, consider referring to the MDN documentation, particularly the section on Browser compatibility. While not always completely current, these descriptions serve as a valuable resource. For instance, the border-radius property is supported by Firefox 4.0 and later, Chrome 4.0, and Safari 5.0 in its standard form, with older versions seeing minimal usage.

It is advisable not to remove existing code that utilizes browser-prefixed properties, as doing so could introduce errors into the codebase. Even if certain browsers now recognize standard property names over their prefixes, maintaining support for both ensures compatibility. An example is the hyphens property, which remains exclusively browser-prefixed at present. Similarly, while border-image predominantly requires prefixing, some modern browsers like Firefox 15 onwards and Opera offer support for the standard version.

There may be valid reasons for clinging to older browser versions, such as compatibility issues with critical applications in specific environments. This underscores the importance of considering broader implications before mandating upgrades based solely on technical advancements.

Answer №2

I recommend sticking with the current browsers unless you are certain that X browser has achieved standardization. Notably, w3schools indicates that all major browsers now support border-radius, but it may not be the most reliable source for this type of information.

Why not experiment and see for yourself?

Answer №3

Utilize the first option to ensure compatibility with older systems.


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