"Utilizing AngularJS to set an element's position as fixed relative to a different

Imagine an app that can place input text fields on top of an image, creating a workspace. The challenge is to position these fields using specific coordinates (top, left, width, height) that are relative to the image itself (top/left = 0/0). How can one accurately position these elements in relation to the underlying image?

        <img id="background" ng-src="{{page.backgroundImage}}" />
        <input type="text" ng-repeat="field in page.fields" ng-model="field.value" 

The current code successfully achieves absolute positioning, but lacks the ability to be truly relative to the background image.

Answer №1

<div style="position:relative">
    <img id="background" ng-src="{{page.backgroundImage}}" class="course-image" />
    <input type="text" ng-repeat="field in page.fields" ng-model="field.value"
                    height:field.height}" />       

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