The issue of height and width always being zero in Chrome when using Classic ASP with JavaScript

Within my markup, I have an image field that I am setting the source for using JavaScript. I am in need of its height and width, so I utilized the image.height() and image.width() methods. Despite working properly in Internet Explorer, these methods do not seem to be functioning in Chrome. I attempted to use image.height and image.width instead, but unfortunately, no values were returned.
Moreover, I also tried changing the prop method to attr for setting the image src, which resulted in the same outcome. Below is a snippet of my code:

function new()
timg = new Image();

I call this code within another method:

function Size(timg) {

        var con=150;
    alert("th="+th); //this always returns Zero in Chrome
    alert("tw="+tw); //this also returns Zero in Chrome

If anyone has any advice or suggestions, please let me know!

Answer №1

Have you attempted the following:

var tw = document.getElementById('YourElemId').clientWidth;
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = tw;

<div id="result"></div>

For information on browser compatibility, please visit

If you are unable to retrieve the width of the image with id="YourElemId", try wrapping your image within a div with id="YourElemId" and then use document.getElementById('YourElemId').clientWidth. You can test this by adding a border and setting a max-width in the div style like so: border:1px solid #000;max-width:?px;

I have found that the clientWidth property may not work for elements with display:inline. Elements such as span, img, and others are inline by default. You can try setting your element with id="YourElemId" to display:block;

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