What is the reason for the improper setting of the div position?

Welcome to the interactive Pointer Pin application!

The red-bordered box is where you can drop your Pointer Pins. This area has a background image set.

The blue-bordered box is where you can drag various Pointer Pins from. These pins can be dropped into the red droppable region.

A black arrow represents a Dropped Pointer Pin.

Below is a snippet of the HTML code used:

<div id="Droppable" class="ui-ui-corner-all">
    Drop Area</div>
<div id="Draggable" class="ui-ui-corner-all">
    <img class="draggableItem" id="Item1" src="Images/pointer.png" alt="" />
    <div class="draggableItem" id="Item2">
        <img src="Images/pointer.png" alt="" />

This application aims to achieve the following objectives:

1) Allows users to drop Pointer Pins onto the Droppable region.

2) Upon dropping a Pointer Pin, its Left Top position is captured using jQuery's position function and stored in a database via AJAX call.

3) The saved positions are retrieved and displayed on another page aligned with their original placement.

Issue Encountered:

Despite rendering the pointer positions where they were dropped initially, an offset discrepancy is present.

To address this issue, code samples have been provided that help understand how positioning data is managed in the application.

JavaScript Functionality:

    $(document).ready(function () {

            drop: function (event, ui) {
                var droppablesPos = //Read dropped item postion using  jQuery .position()

                type: "POST",
                url: "/Feature/SavePointer",
                datatype: "json",
                traditional: true,
                data: { "Left": droppablesPos.Left, "Top": droppablesPos.Top},
                success: function (result) {
                    //return message to user
                error: function (req, status, error) { }

Please note, this code serves as a simplified overview to illustrate key functionalities.

For further insights, refer to the complete JavaScript and HTML snippets below:

 <script type="text/javascript">

<div id="Droppable" class="ui-ui-corner-all">
    Drop Area</div>


Answer №1

It is important to refrain from assuming the starting position of an element based on code that has not been executed. The correct way to retrieve the draggable position is within the drop event function:

 options.drop = function (event, ui) {
      // ui.offset left and top positions will give you the coordinates
      var leftPosition = ui.offset.left;
      var topPosition = ui.offset.top;

I hope this explanation clarifies things for you :)

Answer №2

This code is quite unusual in its approach. Upon examining it, it seems that the draggable element was not actually physically moved to the droppable area. As a result, its DOM context remains within its original container, despite changes in x/y coordinates.

Therefore, extracting these coordinates will be relative to the original container rather than the droppable one. If you attempt to position the pointer within the droppable based on these coordinates, they will likely be incorrect.

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