Styling Labels with CSS Wildcard

I have been using the free NinjaForms plugin on my WordPress site. The default styling for labels is bold, but I prefer them to be lighter. Currently, I achieve this through CSS by targeting individual field IDs. However, this method becomes tedious when adding new forms as it requires constant updates to the CSS.

My goal is to use a wildcard in the CSS so that all future fields automatically inherit the desired font style. I attempted different approaches such as using ID attributes with wildcards but none of them seem to work as expected.

You can find the form URL here:

Here's an updated HTML example for one field:

<div id="nf-field-24-wrap" class="field-wrap textbox-wrap nf-fail nf-error" data-field-id="24">

    <div class="nf-field-label">
        <label for="nf-field-24" class="">Company Name <span class="ninja-forms-req-symbol">*</span> </label>

    <div class="nf-field-element">
        <input value="" class="ninja-forms-field nf-element" id="nf-field-24" name="nf-field-24" aria-invalid="true" aria-describedby="nf-error-24" type="text">


Answer №1

If you want to select IDs that start with a specific string, use the wildcard symbol ^.

To target label elements nested within an element with a specific ID, you can do so by using the selector [id^="nf-field-"] label.

[id^="nf-field-"] label { /* your styles here */ }

Using label[id$="nf-field-"] will not work in this case because it targets labels with IDs ending in "nf-field-" instead of labels that are descendants of elements with those IDs.

For a comprehensive list of attribute selectors, visit MDN.

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