Apply the active class to only one element at a time

Presented here is a table showcasing available dates and times. Users can select a specific time by clicking on the "Choose" link. Currently, when a user selects a time, the class "active" is applied. However, the desired behavior is to remove the previous class and apply it to the newly selected element.

Here is the current structure:

<div class="wrapper-div">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="date">monday, 2015 09 02 </div>
        <div class="time">12:10</div>
        <div class="select"><a href="#">Choose <span class="select-arrow"></span></a>            
    <div class="row">
        <div class="date">thuesday, 2015 06 22</div>
        <div class="time">12:30</div>
        <div class="select"><a href="#">Choose <span class="select-arrow"></span></a></div>
    <div class="row">
        <div class="date">wensday, 2015 02 9</div>
        <div class="time">09:15</div>
        <div class="select"><a href="#">Choose <span class="select-arrow"></span></a></div>

Implemented jQuery code:

$('.select a').click(function(e){
    $('.wrapper-div div').each(function(){

Refer to this working fiddle for an interactive example:

Seeking advice on the most effective solution for this scenario.

Answer №1

The usage of the each function in your code snippet is not correct since you are not applying removeClass to any jQuery object. Moreover, the inclusion of each seems unnecessary. Consider the following revised approach:

$('.select a').click(function(e){
    $('.wrapper-div div').removeClass('active'); // remove previous active

Answer №2

check out this updated solution

$('.select a').click(function(e){
    $('.wrapper-div div').each(function(i,e){


I made some tweaks to the code, utilizing closest to target the entire active row and applying removeClass on an element, following Rory's guidance.

Answer №3

To locate the specific class for removal, consider utilizing jQuery's .find() method combined with jQuery's .remove() method for deletion. Once the targeted class has been removed, simply append your desired .active class.

Answer №4

To successfully toggle the "active" class, start by adding the new class and then removing all existing instances of "active." This ensures that only the clicked element will have the class applied.

$('.container-div .item').each(function(){

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